Good Shepherd UN Highlights


The Sisters of the Good Shepherd have been a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) with special status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1996.

Here are just some NGO office highlights:


  • November 19, 1996 - During the 51st Year of the United Nations, Sr. Liliane Tauvette, Superior General, received offical notification that the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd has been granted Special Consultative Status by the Economic Social Council of the United Nations.
  • In December, Clare Nolan began part time responsibility of representing the Congregation at the United Nations in New York.


  • Participated in our 1st NGO publication, Clearing a Path for Girls in preparation for Beijing plus Five (B+5), Five-year review of the Beijing women conference. The report was a project of the Working Group on Girls of the NGO Committe on UNCEF
  • Submitted a report on Violence Against Women to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, prepared by the Good Shepherd Social Justice network ~ Australia: Assessing Government compliance towards elimination of Domestic Violence.


  • Participated in the World Jubilee Campaign to End International Debt.


  • Presented to international Religious congregations about NGO worl ~ Maryknoll, New York.
  • Participated and presented at the 2nd World Congress on Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children ~ Yokohama, Japan, with Good Shepherd from South Africa, Japan and Thailand.


  • Presented on Prostitution/Trafficking at the World Social Forum (WSF) ~ Mumbai, India
  • Attended and participated at the World Social Forum ~ Mumbai, India


  • Co-hosted five CSW workshops for B+10 and co-sponsored a reception for the Special Rapporteur Against Trafficking
  • Contributed, through international participation, to the UN Study on Violence Against Children


  • Contributed, through international Good Shepherd participation, to DAW, Division for the Advancement of Women, Study on Violence Against Women.
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